Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (May 15 - October 19, 2018) at

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet
2013, at Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet, during the conservation project for the Kabayan Mummy Caves. Funded by the Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the National Museum of the Philippines. Photo by JR Dalisay

Monday, December 17, 2018

Your e-mail message:

"Sir Tony,

"I just want to say thank you for offering _____ last April 2017. Due to financial situation, I wasn’t able to go to the Philippines that time. Reading your posts gave me inspiration and strong will! I am able to listen to my body and heal my skin!

"May I ask an advice from you. I am looking to buy a condo unit (a starter home, I will buy a house once I am able to afford it). I was born ___ _, 19__ at __:__ pm. 

"One of the units I am looking at is in a good neighborhood. Quiet, away from traffic but also near the food and groceries. Clean and ready to move interior. Has more trees in this location. The view from the balcony is good-neighbors/other building on left; mountain, trees and sky on right. But unit is facing West.

"Another unit, used to have a smoker owner. It smells like smoke, we aired it out but still have some lingering smell. It might need carpets, lightbulbs replaced and paint redone. It might also need exhaust/air ducts cleaned. The view from balcony, standing up are neighbors/other building and sky but has higher wall so I can have privacy when seated. 
"Unit is facing East. 
"It has a creek running perpendicular to the compound entrance, which I feel that it is a good thing. No foul smell coming from the water, not in flood zone. It is quiet and peaceful inside the compound but has busy street right in front of compound entrance. This unit also has food and groceries nearby.

"From what I’ve been reading,based on my Kua Number; East and Southeast is the best for me, both locations are located Southeast. I like the first one better but it is facing West.

"Both are within my budget and both are within reasonable driving time to work.

"Which one is most suitable for me for healing and thriving? 


My reply:

Hello ___________!

Go with your gut feel and what suits your family most; your spirit guides will lead you to the place where you will be happiest.

While I was reading your description of the first unit, however, I saw a band of thieves entering and looting the place.

As to the second unit, a repaint will delete anything negative that was there. Although I am a smoker myself and could be biased, I find that in places that are frequently smoked out (whether by tobacco, by incense, or by joss sticks), the smoke functions as air-element staircases by which, by some shamanic process, higher spirits descend.

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