Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (May 15 - October 19, 2018) at

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet
2013, at Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet, during the conservation project for the Kabayan Mummy Caves. Funded by the Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the National Museum of the Philippines. Photo by JR Dalisay

Monday, March 11, 2019

This electronic diary is continued on
Lunch at home alone. Angelique in college and Aubrey at university.
Will author one more theology book after Pagsubok Sa Ilang, after which I will donate all of my theology books to Maryhill School of Theology.
Streamlining all of my books and hoping to end up with only one bookcase before I reach 70. I have seen, all too often, bereaved family members not knowing what to do with all those books the deceased left behind--and ending up throwing them away, donating them to unwilling recipients, or giving them to the undeserving.

In our projected study room, Angelique will have her own bookcase for her law books, and Aubrey another for her medicine books. No more bookcases other than the three--Angelique's, Aubrey's, and mine.

Books are as personal as wardrobes, and I could never impose mine on someone else.

In the present climate, no matter how vain you are, do not cinch your waist or go about with a tightened belt.

You will become short of breath and lose consciousness.
Delivery came. Excited!

I now need only six more items to complete a set but can't order them all at the same time!
Strive to be the best you can be without competing with others to be the best.
Being outdoors + strenuous activity = heat stroke
Two cups very black, Moccona espresso.
In fast-paced living, one must mentally and quickly judge a person he meets for the first time. That is why it is safest to go with friends whom one already knows from previous years.
A delivery is scheduled today. Meaning, I can't leave the house and go jalan-jalan.
Tony Perez's Art of War: Once in a while, pretend to be naive. If anyone pounces on it and laughs at you, that person is not a friend--he has been waiting for the perfect moment to ridicule and humiliate you all along.

Drop that "friend".
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a LED bulb in a frosted, acrylic cube.
Learn to relax, for stress is the biggest killer of the twenty-first century.
Someone should organize a procession in honor of Saint Heribert of Cologne.

I also posted a rainmaking ritual somewhere below.

And there is also The Corrected Ritual of The Wand A.T.A.R.D.A.R., which is Posted in the Secret Group of The Wands.
The elfin mound is quiet on Monday nights.
You asked me why your body is inexplicably itching all over.

I scanned you.

My answer: You've been drinking cheap, red wine.

Wine is like chocolate. If it isn't expensive, why buy it at all?
Angelique arrived from college.

Dinner at home alone; Angelique taking her dinner later.

Aubrey and R. arrived from university, a study session, and dinner out.
Gone are the days when women went to the salon to have their hair "set". As a matter of fact I haven't heard that word used in that context for decades.
I no longer use pillowcases. Instead, I swaddle my pillows with antique malongs. It gives my bed a lush, bohemian look, and it makes me feel that I am laying my head in clouds.
Pillows are completely disposable and should not be treated like heirlooms or childhood fetishes.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Finished rereading Destination Moon last night. Now rereading Explorers on the Moon.
When I hung the antique, Maranao bell outside my captain's cabin window, people made it sound with a repetitive DING-DING-DING-DING-DING. Now that I've switched to a Size 6, brass bell, people make it sound with only a single BONGGGG.
Your Messenger message:

"Dear Tito Tony,

"May I bother you with a dream question? My beloved puppy ____ ran out of our compound yesterday afternoon and is nowhere to be found in the bgy.

"Last night I dreamt that she came back as soon as I came home (I am in Manila now studying for an exam tonight) but was wet. I attributed this to the stream that runs next to our house.

"This morning we heard that she was seen running frantically deep in the bgy yesterday 😭

"Thank you in advance, Tito đŸ™đŸŒ❤️"

My reply:

Hello ________!

Your dream is not precognitive, it is a wish-fulfillment dream.

Disseminate the photo you sent me, but change the words to "LOST DOG" or "NAWAWALANG ASO" with your contact numbers. The words "____, COME BACK!" addresses the dog and not the viewers. Such subtlety is lost on atchays.

In my mind's eye I see the dog being coddled by two children and one man who is considering breeding dogs. Let us hope that your posters eventually bring the dog home, with the assistance of barangay personnel, as they always do in Larry Levinson melodramas.

On one hand, dogs who escape might be unhappy and desire to be elsewhere (something I seriously doubt because you love your pets and treat them like fellow human beings). On the other, they are supposed to know how to find their way home, and therefore must be in others' possession.

Because we have become a society of insecticide sprayers, I no longer see fireflies, ladybugs, salagubang, and salaginto in our roof deck garden.

What astonishes me is the continued proliferation of cicadas. They are everywhere and seem impervious to any kind of air pollution. As a matter of fact there is never any true silence because of their presence.
When afternoon broadcasters cackle without cause, they must be auditioning to join the Sinister Sisters on AXN's Hellevator.
My sister Remi sent bags of fresh, summertime fruit to me and my sister Alice.
The sun unfurls its flaming feathers
Because the earth must crackle
Like a dying diabetic's chapped lips.
Only then will the phoenix rise.
The hawker's boy brought me two orders of deep-fried tawilis once again.
The more educational credentials and "qualifications" a candidate has, the more he will tend to deem it his right to live like a king and delegate the dirty work to others. They call it being "management"-oriented.

I have seen it happen all too often.
When a group of people already had their chance in the past to rule the government and did nothing but produce fancy talk and no action, do not vote for them again.

Our government needs proactive doers, not intellectuals whose basic defense is rationalization.
Any worker who asks for vale even before working is a lazy bum.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun's halo is the most powerful rainbow in the universe.
And now, back to rereading Destination Moon.
Dinner at home with Angelique. Then Aubrey arrived from dinner out with R.'s family.
Twenty-four drought-survival tips: 1) Do not flush the toilet after urinating.
2) Lather up with soap and shampoo from a dipper of water. Use the shower only to rinse off.
3) Use sanitizing liquid rather than wash your hands.

4) Use paper plates and disposable plastic spoons and forks to avoid dish washing.

5) Gather all items for dish washing and immerse them in a basin or pail of water and wash them above the basin or pail.

6) If you have to flush your toilet, use the slosh water in your dish washing basin or pail.

7) Place a five-gallon container of mineral water in every bathroom to be used for emergency purposes.

8) Avoid taking in guests or hosting gatherings.

9) If you must clean or wipe something, use a few squares of toilet paper instead of a rag.

10) If you can afford it, eat out (fast-food centers or food courts are cheap alternatives to restaurants), but watch your belongings.

11) Order food via FDS only from vendors that provide food boxes and plastic cutlery.

12) Change your daily routine and house traffic around saving water. For example, water plants only at night so that the moisture stays longer in the soil. Do away with luxuries such as bubble baths and regular shampooing.

13) Stow away decor and items that catch dust, develop grime, and require regular washing.

14) Sweep with a broom when you can, do not mop.

15) In really dire situations, wash your fingers only, not your entire hand.

16) If you can, stock up on sand in pails and tubs. Sand douses fires in the absence of water.

17) Air your clothes after using. Check the next day if they should be washed or can survive another wearing.

18) Use laundries and laundromats. (Of course you have to pay for this.)

19) When planning meals, choose viands that do not render serving plates and flatware sticky, greasy, and difficult to wash clean.

20) Develop activities and entertainment that will not require a lot of cleaning up or washing after.

21) Rather than cook rice yourself, buy cooked rice at your neighborhood hawkers' stands.

22) Consider bread as an alternative to rice or pasta.

23) Brush your teeth using only one cup of water. Brush, take in a mouthful of water, brush, take in a mouthful of water.

24) You can take a bath using only half a pail of water. Lather your body with soap and a little water. Then dip a face towel, sponge, or loofah in water and scrub off the soap off your body, then squeeze out the soap. Keep doing this until your body is completely free of soap.

Above all, keep your cool. Remember that love is stronger than water.
Maintain your sense of humor and your goodwill all throughout drought and disaster. Pain is never permanent, because neither, after all, is pleasure.
8:00 PM to-do outside the house. The water truck parked at our main gate, and all the neighbors and tenants fell in line (a LONG line) in our driveway. After I took photos and went inside, I turned on all the porch lights for them.
Look at all those orbs--our compound is full of elementals!

I recall that Badong Bernal was not as ambulant as everyone else. Once, when I visited his new house, I noted that there were no bars in his windows, and I remarked that Cubao is not exactly the safest place to live in. He then disclosed to me that there was one room in that house where he could lock himself in and that no one could get into from outside, somewhat like a panic room. I believe that every house should have such a room.
It is always fun--and an educational experience--to stage an amateur play at home, with the members of the household as production staff members and performers.
Your house is cozy if guests always feel like overstaying.
To persons who are unhappy, every day is a hurdle.
Hell begins when people do not do their job properly.
Going home from work is always an escape from the workplace, but going to work from home should never be an escape from home.
Tony Perez's Art of War: The fatal flaw of your enemies is that they operate on the belief that you are not way ahead of them.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Google Chrome keeps asking me to set it as my default browser but I'm not doing that after the Google+ fiasco. After all, who knows how long Google Chrome itself will last? It might suddenly announce its goodbye at any time, and where would that leave me?
In a house that has children and grandchildren who are teenagers or young adults, a parent or grandparent seldom has cash in his wallet. 
Back from jalan-jalan.

Found nothing of interest at the center. It was so hot that I thought of having a banana split or just go home. I just went home.
One of the most detestable tasks our supervisors made us do when I was still employed was to drop everything and go to the Chancery building merely to provide an audience for someone who arrived from DC and came to talk on a topic that had absolutely nothing to do with my job.
You know that you've finally outgrown something when, in the middle of it all, you ask yourself, "What am I doing here and why am I doing this?"
Two more deliveries are scheduled but I doubt that they'll arrive today.

Must go jalan-jalan after lunch.

In the meantime, finished reading Land of Black Gold. Now rereading Destination Moon and I found the scene I was looking for.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are bowls of alphabet-soup noodles.
Summer in the Philippines, autumn in Australia.
The frankincense was lit to cleanse the stable. The myrrh was lit to honor the Child.

What did Joseph and Mary do with the gold?
Denial is the foremost defense mechanism of every government official.
Gas tank delivery.

All three, scheduled deliveries for the day are now complete.

I love being house admin and scanning the minds of delivery persons.
Two-hour, afternoon nap.

Friday, March 8, 2019

The retiree's motto:

No one can tell me what to do.
No one can tell me what to say.
No one can tell me what to think.

I will remember everything I was prevented to do and say and think from my childhood onward, and I will finally do and say and think it.
On-line shopping delivery. Now waiting for one more delivery.
Isn't it ironic that, as water levels in dams are going down, the sea is rising and eating up coastlines?
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Alkaline water delivery.

Now waiting for two more deliveries, one from on-line shopping.
Keep your cool even if the heat is on.
Why is Meghan Markle looking more and more like a man?

She already looks like John Travolta to me.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a scorching desert of light-blue sand.
Please do not celebrate Christmas before All Souls Day.
Just learned that Tony Palis passed away today--but wasn't he also supposed to be performing in a concert tonight?

Years ago, when Aubrey was still in grade school and bought a new guitar, he offered to give her weekly lessons, but I objected because he lived so far away from Cubao. I thought that it was very kind of him, though.
When Ben and I visited the plants on the roof deck after months of neglect, we saw that only three kinds of plants survived without watering and tending: Dieffenbachia, the palmera plant, and the so-called fortune plant. Everything else died--including the allegedly hardy Japanese lantern and the allegedly low-maintenance Wandering Jew.
It is the person who keeps a flower garden and a bevy of exotic pets who suddenly realizes during a water shortage that he is living in a depressed country after all.

Thank God, I am not one of them.
An average household should have only five persons. If the household has more than that, tragedy becomes highly pronounced during a water shortage.
I seem to have observed, over the years, that fiberglass roofs, boats, and planters crack and crumble due to constant exposure to the tropical sun and tropical rain. In the end, they become completely useless masses of non-biodegradable junk.
Angelique arrived from college and dinner out.

Aubrey and R. ordered their dinner from outside and are taking it upstairs.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The water from the Fountain of Life is neither warm nor tepid. It is cold.
Lunch at home alone. Then Aubrey and R. arrived from university and lunch out.
Back of the Alexander the Great coin shows an image of Athena (Minerva) and her owl, which represents "knowledge, wisdom, perspicacity, and erudition". Athena's shield, the aegis, symbolizes the goddess's protective power, her helmet, wisdom in war, her distaff or spear, strategy in war, and the olive branch, peace.

The column of letters on the left reads "ALEXANDROU", the column on the right reads "BASILEUS"--meaning, "(coin) of Alexander the King".

A quiet day at home. Started rereading _Land of Black Gold_.
The rainmaking ritual must be done where there is a lot of bare earth, such as the top of a mountain or a hill, a clearing in the forest, or beside a river or sea.

The participants must come from different magical disciplines.

The participants need to build a high-relief sculpture of the country on the ground.

Rainmakers are essential, but rattles, drums, and trumpets may be added.

The ritual must begin with singing and chanting.

One participant must use an asperger or a bundle of herbs to sprinkle water on the sculpture and the participants after the chanting has begun.

The last part of the ritual must consist of dancing with serpent-like movements. 
Get a group of serious friends who have rainmakers together, and arrange a rainmaking ritual.
Today is the Blue Dragon Festival. The Blue Dragon rules agriculture, planting, irrigation, and the first day of the Asian spring. 
Two cups very black, Moccona espresso.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun sits on the lid of a stainless steel water tank.
Skipped taking a nap but finished rereading The Seven Crystal Balls and Prisoners of the Sun. Now setting aside Land of Black Gold, Destination Moon, and Explorers on the Moon to reread later.
Half a day's work on the roof deck is done. We brought up the terra cotta garden lanterns and Buddha heads, then brought down the two, antique, bronze, Chinese braziers and the statue of Hercules Farnese. Managed to rearrange the pots, furniture, and statuary. Still need to replant stuff. The fortune plants and palmeras were the sturdiest of all.

More painting next week--an exterior wall beside the water tank.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Taking a break from work on the roof deck. It's too hot and sunny up there. We're making good progress, though.

In the meantime a delivery arrived.
Ben arrived after lunch. We are working the half-day on the roof deck.
Every moment is forever as long as you have true happiness.
When you place too much trust in your fellow human beings, you become susceptible to their hypnotic influence.
Fasting is a form of voluntary deprivation. It works only if you are not deprived of a lot of other things, voluntarily or not voluntarily.
Curiously enough, Hephaestion got in touch.
Two cups very black, espresso blend. Shifting to Moccona espresso tomorrow.
It is Great-Gatsby-summer hot in Cubao.

Time to "go to town"?
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is the tip of a soldering iron.
One's personal experience with religion is unique and can never be compared with the experience of others.
I take two fingers red wine mixed with one finger water to go to sleep. It's much more effective than antihistamine, has vitamins, is much more fun, and is a lot more sensual.
Dinner time at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.
Bought two bottles red wine, yoghurt, noodle packs, and ice cream at the neighborhood grocery store.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

As I become older and older my magic is becoming more and more exclusively Asian. I no longer explore Western magic. That has always been the biggest mistake of religion, to begin with--taking on a foreign religion and making it one's own. I will never apply that mistake to magic again.
Caught a S.W.A.T. replay on FOX last night. I'd seen it at least twice before but paid more attention to it this time. Was surprised to find out that it was all about a Filipino drug syndicate with a Fil-American cast and sporadic Tagalog. The cast members looked only generically Asian and could have been Polynesian, Chinese, or even Mexican. I am certain that they all grew up in the States. They actually couldn't speak Tagalog properly.
I fasted and abstained only when they compelled me to do so in school. After I graduated I was free from fasting, from abstaining, and from school.
Tinajas: Vessels dedicated to different water deities containing sacred stones immersed in sea water, river water, well water, and rain water.

From Left to Right: Otin, Yemaya, Oya, Olokun, Olosa, Oshun

Good morning, Cubao!

The sun wears its necklace of moons and planets.
Back from jalan-jalan at the bell foundry. Decided to replace the antique, bronze, Maranao bell outside my captain's cabin bedroom window with a brass, ship's bell. This one has a full, sonorous sound (I chose long and hard from among tinklers, high-pitched ones, and deep-sounding ones).

I think I'll move the Maranao bell to the foot of the staircase, and move the Chinese temple bell that is there to the wall outside Aubrey's bedroom (Angelique already has a bronze bell with an angel figural outside her bedroom).

Monday, March 4, 2019

I use ready-made bait, paste, glue board, and flypaper.
I cannot understand why atchays Post photos of items for sale and then, when someone Posts "How much?", they go all bashful and Reply, "PM you".
Why is it that "Rotate Right" and "Rotate Left" on one application mean the opposite directions on another?
Today is a "free day" for me (although every day is a "free day" to a retiree) because Ben is unable to come to work today. Managed to do some chores instead. Changed my beddings with four antique, Maranao malongs and an ethnic blanket, did a tiny retouch on Mary's cheek in COR UNUM ET ANIMA UNA, and began dramaturging the latest draft of Ivan's play for TheatreWorks Singapore.

Lunch at home alone; Angelique in college and Aubrey at university.

One of the hawkers' boys regularly brings us deep-fried tawilis even when we don't feel like it.

As for our taho, this is how we like it--with only one tablespoon taho as an afterthought.

I saw, I conquered, I came.
A hot, summer morning in Cubao.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a field of lavender.

A good friend visited this evening to give me a belated Christmas gift I've always wanted.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Two shopping deliveries arrived while Angelique and I were waiting for the Grab car that would bring us to the center.

Now that I'm back home, two laundry deliveries arrived.
Back home from jalan-jalan. Went to the bank with Angelique, then Angelique went to study at a coffee shop while I paid our electric, telephone, and cable bills. Had a snack at the Cubao Leaky Cauldron after.
Lunch at home with Angelique. Aubrey at university.
Two deliveries are scheduled today. I hope they arrive before I go jalan-jalan.
Today the Hindus celebrate Nyepi, the Day of Silence.

The Four Nyepi Prohibitions are comprised of: no fire, no travel, no activity, and no entertainment.

The tiger will not change its stripes.

Do not tread on the tail of the tiger.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are the planet's white, silk scarves.
Dinner at home with Angelique.
When I was a college student I swore that, as soon as I had my own house, I would have a different set of placemats and coasters every month, or a total of 12 different sets.

It never happened. Now that I can afford all of it, I see it as a foolish idea.
Three-hour, deep tissue massage with ventosa.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Finished rereading The Seven Crystal Balls.

A one-hour, afternoon nap.

Will commence rereading Prisoners of the Sun.
Aubrey and R. arrived from their seminar and lunch out.
My sister and brother-in-law are now off to the airport.

Back to house chores.
Lunch at home with Angelique and J. Aubrey and R. are attending a seminar, a requirement of their Psychology course.
A fire-prevention month campaign is ongoing in our neighborhood.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun lights pathways for both those who see them and those who do not see them.
Never use fluorescent light bulbs inside the lanterns on your gate. Your gate will look like the entrance to a funeral parlor.
Your Messenger message:

"Hi Sir Tony. "Good evening pĂČ. "Would you know what kind of a god/diety is this? "Looks like a Chinese god to me.


"Sir ~ "I found it among my stuff from the old house we were staying at, 1999-2010. "I believe it was owned by my friend (my Mare ___________) who owned the house. She was Chinese

"-I found it inside one of my kitchen cupboards na malapit sa floor.. basta na lang nakatambak doon. Parang na-'guilty' po ako... kinuha ko siya doon... nilagay ko nong una sa taas ng isang platera sa kitchen namin... ngayon, tinransfer ko po siya sa kitchen counter (far right ng lababo kung sa'n ako naghuhugas ng mga pinggan, etc.) "Question: "Sa'n po siya dapat ilagay? "Sa isang altar?

"Sorry pĂČ sa distorbo. "Maraming salamat pĂČ, Sir."

My reply: Hello _______!

That is a statuette of the Chinese Kitchen God, typically hung on brackets on a kitchen wall.

Some notes from Wikipedia:
"The Kitchen God[,]...also known as the Stove the most important of a plethora of Chinese domestic gods that protect the hearth and family. The Kitchen God is recognized in Chinese folk religionChinese mythology, and Taoism. Under different names, he is also celebrated in several other Asian religions.
"It is believed that on the twenty[-]third day of the twelfth lunar month, just before Chinese New Year, the Kitchen God returns to Heaven to report the activities of every household over the past year to Yu Huang, the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor, emperor of the heavens, either rewards or punishes a family based on [the Kitchen God]'s yearly report.
"Traditionally, every Chinese household would have a paper effigy or a plaque of [the Kitchen God] and his wife (who writes down everything that is said in the household over the year for her husband's report to Jade Emperor) above the fireplace in the kitchen. This tradition is still widely practiced, and [the Kitchen God] was the most highly worshiped god of those who protect the household and family. Offerings of food and incense are made to [the Kitchen God] on his birthday (the third day of the eighth lunar month) and also on the twenty[-]third day (or twenty[-]fourth day) of the twelfth lunar month, which marks his return to Heaven to give his New Year's report to the Jade Emperor. On this day, the lips of [the Kitchen God]'s paper effigy are often smeared with honey to sweeten his words to Yu Huang..., or to keep his lips stuck together. After this, the effigy will be burnt and replaced by a new one on New Year's Day. Firecrackers are often lit as well, to speed him on his way to heaven. If the household has a statue or a nameplate of [the Kitchen God] it will be taken down and cleaned on this day for the new year.
"Many customs are associated with the Kitchen God, especially defining the date of the 'Kitchen God festival', also known as 'Little New Year'. It is noted that the date differed depending on the location. It is believed that people in northern China celebrate it on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, while the people in southern China celebrate it on the twenty-fourth..." 
You need not follow this tradition because it is quite tedious, unless it is something you would like to do.

Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, J., and R.

Everybody home.
Why not skip graduation for everyone altogether? I graduated from Prep, Grade 7, high school, and college. Years later, I graduated from graduate school but didn't join the march--and actually felt that I really didn't miss anything.

Why doesn't every graduate's family just have a superb dinner together instead?

Hasn't it occurred to everyone that, when you spend money for graduation rites, you are really spending money for the faculty rather than for the graduates?
It's Friday once again. The dragon tree will be holding another elfin party toward midnight, and there will be feasting in my sister Alice's porch garden across it. The compound pets will be in attendance once more. Some of our neighbors wonder why they can hear music and where it comes from on these nights. Others are amazed at how well they sleep through it all and recall the most fantastic dreams when they wake up in the morning.
Final goodbyes for the year to my sister and brother-in-law. They fly to Sydney tomorrow.

Until next year, once again.
The spots where cats lie to rest in your garden are the very spots where enchanted beings or entrances to their kingdoms are.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Mike sends gifts to my sister Lourdes via Grab delivery.

Visited my sisters next door.
It is the repeated experience of separation anxiety that turns a child into a criminal.
Good morning, Cubao!

Every sunbeam is a purse of golden coins.
It is usually the oppressed student and the oppressed employee who become great successes in life.
When a horror series starts introducing new kinds of monsters, you can be sure that the production is no longer making money and that its scriptwriters are slipping.
Night classes

4:30 AM

Watched the finals of The Titan Games on FOX. That was one, swift, no-nonsense competition.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and R.

Bought ice cream and a bottle of Novellino Strawberry Passion at the neighborhood grocery store.
Atchays and magic are a bad combination, because, in the first place, magic does not work for atchays.
Aubrey and R. arrived from university and the last day of their Science Week fair.

Watching the local news and deliberating whether I should take a late afternoon nap.
To prevent fire from endangering your house, place a basket of six fresh mangoes and six bananas, fake or real, at your front door.
One can be arrogant only if one has stature and is of means.