Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (May 15 - October 19, 2018) at

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet
2013, at Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet, during the conservation project for the Kabayan Mummy Caves. Funded by the Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the National Museum of the Philippines. Photo by JR Dalisay

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Twenty-four drought-survival tips: 1) Do not flush the toilet after urinating.
2) Lather up with soap and shampoo from a dipper of water. Use the shower only to rinse off.
3) Use sanitizing liquid rather than wash your hands.

4) Use paper plates and disposable plastic spoons and forks to avoid dish washing.

5) Gather all items for dish washing and immerse them in a basin or pail of water and wash them above the basin or pail.

6) If you have to flush your toilet, use the slosh water in your dish washing basin or pail.

7) Place a five-gallon container of mineral water in every bathroom to be used for emergency purposes.

8) Avoid taking in guests or hosting gatherings.

9) If you must clean or wipe something, use a few squares of toilet paper instead of a rag.

10) If you can afford it, eat out (fast-food centers or food courts are cheap alternatives to restaurants), but watch your belongings.

11) Order food via FDS only from vendors that provide food boxes and plastic cutlery.

12) Change your daily routine and house traffic around saving water. For example, water plants only at night so that the moisture stays longer in the soil. Do away with luxuries such as bubble baths and regular shampooing.

13) Stow away decor and items that catch dust, develop grime, and require regular washing.

14) Sweep with a broom when you can, do not mop.

15) In really dire situations, wash your fingers only, not your entire hand.

16) If you can, stock up on sand in pails and tubs. Sand douses fires in the absence of water.

17) Air your clothes after using. Check the next day if they should be washed or can survive another wearing.

18) Use laundries and laundromats. (Of course you have to pay for this.)

19) When planning meals, choose viands that do not render serving plates and flatware sticky, greasy, and difficult to wash clean.

20) Develop activities and entertainment that will not require a lot of cleaning up or washing after.

21) Rather than cook rice yourself, buy cooked rice at your neighborhood hawkers' stands.

22) Consider bread as an alternative to rice or pasta.

23) Brush your teeth using only one cup of water. Brush, take in a mouthful of water, brush, take in a mouthful of water.

24) You can take a bath using only half a pail of water. Lather your body with soap and a little water. Then dip a face towel, sponge, or loofah in water and scrub off the soap off your body, then squeeze out the soap. Keep doing this until your body is completely free of soap.

Above all, keep your cool. Remember that love is stronger than water.

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