Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (May 15 - October 19, 2018) at

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet
2013, at Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet, during the conservation project for the Kabayan Mummy Caves. Funded by the Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the National Museum of the Philippines. Photo by JR Dalisay

Friday, November 30, 2018

Worked an hour on eighteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on seventeenth glaze. Doing the background for now through the next three days--an enjoyable and therapeutic task on this particular painting.
Washed 18 brushes and a marble glazing bowl.
An early lunch at home alone.

Keiko Kashigawa's delivery arrived.

Worked an hour on sixteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on fifteenth glaze.
Home alone but unable to go jalan-jalan. Waiting for another delivery for Keiko Kashigawa.
Ivy's birth month. Angelique, Aubrey, and J. are off to her hometown to visit her grave.
There will always be enough. It's called contentment, satisfaction, and social maturity.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are white suitcases stuffed with white sweaters.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Received three plays for dramaturging from TheatreWorks Singapore.

Awaiting approval for my 2019 workshop titled From Drawings To Drama, From Paintings To Plays.
Worked an hour on fourteenth glaze.

Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.
Keiko Kashigawa on a Friday afternoon.

Sent by Aubrey.

Once they've sorted out those grandiose bus terminals, they will function like versions of Grand Central Station.
Two cups rose petals tea.

Worked an hour on thirteenth glaze.

Angelique and J. are out shopping.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Derek entered the service quarters of M.'s cafe not to go on duty but to go to sleep. Apparently the elfin mound shut down at 4:00 AM this morning.
Worked an hour on twelfth glaze.
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
The November leaves fall off my planner.

Since I bought four planners last year, I use the extra leaves for different purposes. The leaf below is for my day-to-day life. The leaf above it is for my painting projects; this recorded everything I had to do for Saint Louis and the current painting I am working on.

Niran's backpack

Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are archive houses of half-forgotten dreams.
Had to wait for my brief business meeting with M., and so snuck in some time and worked an hour on eleventh glaze.

M.'s cafe, the neighborhood elfin mound, is full of patrons carousing once again, I suppose because tomorrow is a national holiday and everyone wants to have some night fun.
Now watching Moulin Rouge, which I saw on the big screen years ago, on DIVA. I've always loved this film. It's bohemian through and through--from the production design to the script to the music to the humor.
PLDT Sales will continue to pester you. They will no longer identify themselves as "PLDT Sales" but as the name of some obscure mediating agency.

Simply hang up and take the ringer off your phone as you have always been doing.
Learn to enjoy household chores. While doing them, contemplate what you need to do next for your current projects.
Aubrey and R. arrived from university and dinner out.

Everybody home.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Dinner at home alone.

Worked an hour on tenth glaze.
Watching yet another replay of The Adventures of TinTin on HBO. My sister Sylvia sent us the DVD from Australia, but I still can't resist watching it whenever it is on TV.
Worked an hour on ninth glaze.

Angelique and J. arrived from a day out and dinner out.
Worked an hour on eighth glaze.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Lunch at home alone.

Worked two hours on seventh glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are bustling toy factories.
The werewolf moseyed over to M.'s cafe and had a deep-fried porkchop with rice, cucumber slices, and a root beer.
In desiring to have joyful holidays, ensure that you do not plunge into debt and poverty.
Of all the rules that men made, which are actually detrimental to human progress?
Do not expect atchays to understand and appreciate the value of bureaucratic paperwork.
Angelique and J. arrived from college and dinner out.

Everybody home.
Dinner at home with Aubrey and R., who ordered their food via FDS.

Worked an hour on sixth glaze.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Took a one-hour, afternoon nap, then worked, another hour, on fifth glaze.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Worked an hour on fourth glaze.

Then Aubrey and R. arrived from university and lunch out. They're now taking photos of the police station across the street for their NSTP project.
Lunch at home alone.

A brief respite from painting; this glaze needs to dry ayway.

It's a Wednesday holiday for me, then. Going jalan-jalan crossed my mind, but I decided to stay home and do something really profitable. Like taking a nap.
Worked an hour on third glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a garden of white topiary.
Sat smoking in the foyer with all the lights out, looking out onto the small loggia and the driveway beyond. It reminded me of a night when I was about nine years old, in my parents' house. Everyone in the house except me was fast asleep. I walked to the living room in the dark and just sat there, looking out through the double doors made of glass and wrought iron. The scene outside was washed in moonlight and positively enchanted. I stayed there as long as I could because I knew I would never see a night like that again. 
Worked an hour on second glaze.

Angelique arrived from college and dinner out, and Aubrey arrived from university and dinner out.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Dinner at home alone.

Worked an hour on first glaze.
Worked an hour on second layer.
Worked an hour on first layer.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Worked two hours on construction lines. This painting officially begins today.

Finished construction lines. Ready to do the first layer.
Rico messaged me yesterday and asked when I could attend another one of my high school class's lunch reunions. I of course replied that I go to those only when they are held in Cubao. He said that he would see how that could be arranged.

I asked him, however, why it isn't possible to meet him, or any one of my former clasmates, for lunch on a one-to-one basis. I am an ectomorph and make more interesting conversation that way.

Two cups very black, Benguet coffee.

Lunch at home alone.

Contemplating the underpainted canvas in the studio area.
Happy 78th Birthday to my idol and my spirit guide!

Image may contain: 1 person
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun releases showers of gold coins.
Aubrey and R. arrived from university and dinner out.

Both granddaughters added stickers to their extra planner cards.
Dinner at home alone, then Angelique arrived from college and dinner out.

Finished underpainting. Hoping to commence construction lines tomorrow.
Acquiring a position is no assurance that you also acquire its powers.
Death is feared even if death itself is not contagious.
Finished priming the cradled canvas.
Scrubbed the dining room floor. Will do the foyer floor next, after I finish priming the cradled canvas.
A parent who truly loves his family will frequently need to shut out everyone else.
Tony Perez's Art of War: When you leave your enemies alone, it is to give them time to dig their own graves without being disturbed.
Set up another unit of cradled canvas on my working easel. This one's rectangular, 4' x 3'. Began priming it.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lunch at home alone. Angelique at university and Aubrey in college.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a brass incense burner.
Bought Magnum ices and big cups of ice cream at the neighborhood grocery store.

Angelique arrived from the celebration at the university.
Dinner at home with Aubrey. Angelique was a volunteer for bar examinees over the past four weekends and is now at the annual salubong celebration.
Back from jalan-jalan. On my way home I stopped by a coffee shop to buy a drink and earn a sticker on a new card to boost my granddaughters' two extra cards. Swung by the Christmas bazaar; there are new and unusual items but I bought nothing. The shopping there, however, is becoming feverish and intense.
I observe that dishonesty never pays, and that people who insist on clinging to their dishonest ways only get dragged deeper and deeper into the traps set by other people.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Feeling sleepy a lot, which always happens after I've finished a painting or a novel.

Will probably pick up The Haunted Hotel again for rereading, and will most probably drift off to a nap.
Two cups very black, Benguet coffee.
Waiting for the painting to dry before vernissage.

Will then set up another canvas on an easel to commence my fourth painting for Maryhill School of Theology.
Washed this batch of 18 brushes and five palette knives.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are embellished with translucent sequins.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Dinner at home with Aubrey and R. Aubrey and R. ordered their food via FDS.
The werewolf crossed the street to buy a purple-yam ice cream cone.

Tony Perez's Art of War: Never be ashamed of the people you love. Be ashamed, rather, of your enemies.
The best is frequently not available.
Many journalists actually choose to be unhappy in the name of truth.

Saint Louis
Oil on cradled canvas
4’ x 4’
October 30 – November 24, 2018.

This portrait of Saint Louis (pronounced by Father Richard as "LEW-iss" rather than "LEW-ee", as I habitually pronounce the name) features a youth gazing on a cross of pine twigs. In the background are pieces of fabric made of hand-woven Igorot cloth. Instead of the white Easter lilies traditionally associated with Aloysius Gonzaga is a garland of everlasting flowers. The surplice also bears a strawberry design.

The spears behind the youth represent the four, Saint Louis educational institutions owned and operated by CICM: Saint Louis University in Baguio, University of Saint Louis in Tuguegarao, Saint Louis College in La Union, and Saint Louis College in Cebu.

In this rendition, the youth are called to give up their warrior’s loincloths and contemplate the cross, at the same time being true to their ethnicity.

I am told that Dr. Agnes Brazal, my former professor in Systematic Theology, conducted research on the matter of "Saint Louis" (a Jesuit saint, not a CICM saint) and concluded that the saint in question is actually Saint Louise de Marillac. Other than that Saint Louise was French, however, I could find no further connection between her and the congregation.

This was all I listened to while making the painting:

Friday, November 23, 2018

Angelique and J. are off to the basketball game.

R. arrived. Aubrey and R. now taking their lunch in the dining roojm.

Worked an hour on seventy-third glaze.
Lunch at home with Angelique. Aubrey still resting in her room upstairs.

Worked an hour on seventy-second glaze.

J. arrived with a sack of dog food for Keiko. Angelique and he are watching another basketball game this afternoon.

My antique dealer from Mindanao arrived. Brought more, gorgeous baluds.
Good noon, Cubao!

The sun is a golden dragon statue.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.

Tequila night.
Angelique arrived from college and dinner out.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Dinner at home alone, then worked an hour on seventy-first glaze.
Worked an hour on seventieth glaze.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Worked an hour on sixty-ninth glaze.
Worked an hour on sixty-eighth glaze.
Lunch at home alone.

Two cups very black, Benguet coffee.
Good day, Cubao!

The sun is a lantern, the clouds are frosted, glass panes.
Tony Perez's Art of War: A student who nourishes an ambition to surpass his teacher, but has neither the intelligence nor the skills to do so, will always end up a traitor.
Every person has at least one extraordinary talent, but not everyone encounters a mentor who will help develop it.
When you give cheerfully and sincerely, you lose nothing, for your spirit guides will replenish what you give and ensure that you will always have enough for yourself.
You may have only one life in this particular lifetime, but you can save as many lives as you want within its short span of time.
Never fall in love with a person who is a paradox. It will complicate your life unnecessarily.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Aubrey's 2019 planner

Aubrey and R. arrived home from university and dinner out.

Everybody home.
Angelique's 2019 planner

Angelique comes in third. Both granddaughters, however, still have one card each to fill with stickers.

Earlier this afternoon, on my way home from the center.

Our house is on the sunset side.

Dinner at home with Angelique and J., who arrived from a study session in college.

Then worked an hour on sixty-seventh glaze.
A real winner is one who excels without the need for judges to decide that he does.
Worked an hour on sixty-sixth glaze.
Back from jalan-jalan. Had to do important household errands. Saw Margie Logarta.

Bought two tree ornaments (though we don't have a tree) and a Groot figurine.

A humid afternoon. Watched TV while snacking on potato chips and soda.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Lunch at home alone, then worked an hour on sixty-fifth glaze.
Two cups very black, Benguet coffee from the package Christine sent me last year.
The painter glazes the sky with the lightest shade of gray.
A Happy Thanksgiving Day to all my American friends--and possibly also to my non-American friends who celebrate it for the strangest reasons.
Good day, Cubao!

Slept nine hours last night. It just happens when my body needs it.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Angelique came home from a final exam in college.

Ordered dinner for her from M.'s cafe.
Aubrey came home from university and dinner out.

Aubrey comes in second.

Dinner at home alone.

Worked an hour on sixty-fourth glaze.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Worked an hour on sixty-third glaze.
Back home from jalan-jalan. Finally claimed my 2019 planner. Chose the one with the metallic black cover because it looks like a slab of iron. Now I can be your Iron John.

Grandpa came in first this year, but then again the granddaughters need to gather stickers for two cards each, not one.

At least I no longer have to go to the Cubao Leaky Cauldron almost every day. I really should be staying home and painting. Like now, but it's been a drizzly day and the water molecules in the air are making it difficult for my glazes to dry.

Yes, my 2019 planner looks like this sheet of iron on the street.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Lunch at home alone, then worked an hour on sixty-second glaze.
Worked an hour on sixty-first glaze.
Two cups very black, espresso blend.
Distrust anything labelled with an institution's name or logo. If you took out the name or logo, wouldn't it seem a lot inferior than it already is?
Invest only in expensive joss sticks. Other kinds will give you respiratory allergies.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is layered with a sheet of white gelatin.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Angelique and J. arrived from a study session in a coffee shop and dinner out.
Dinner at home with Aubrey.

Then worked an hour on sixtieth glaze.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.

Once More Through the District Of Lights

Decided to walk home from the Cubao Leaky Cauldron. I used to do this a lot, like a werewolf on the prowl, when I was a teenager.

Back from jalan-jalan. One more holiday drink to go!

Monday, November 19, 2018

One-hour, afternoon nap.
Had an early lunch.

Worked an hour on fifty-ninth glaze in the studio area while Aubrey and R. were taking their lunch in the dining room.
Worked an hour on fifty-eighth glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a plaza of water fountains.
Still hooked on Battlebots.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Cozy Monday night at home. The grandchildren have no classes tomorrow because of the Chinese President's state visit.
Ordered my dinner from M.'s cafe.

Worked an hour on fifty-seventh glaze.

Angelique arrived from college; bought her dinner.

Then Aubrey and R. arrived from university and dinner out.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Next to your hands and your mouth, it is your ass that has great gripping power. Be aware of this whenever you are sitting and lying down and subconsciously preventing your entire body from sliding off.

Your feet only come fourth.
Your email message:

"Dear Sir Tonny,

"Hope your doing fine. Wanting to share my recent dream which happen earlier hoping to get your thoughts.

"I always experience sleep paralysis. Im already used to it. But this one earlier is something different. Usually whenever i experience this one, i always wake up the way i saw myself during sleep paralysis but earlier it was different during my sleep paralysis i saw myself sleeping in the folding bed that i use about 5 years ago. And the home in my sleep paralysis was also the look before it got renovated. Is this something significant?

"Thank you


My reply:

Hello _____!

You experienced astral projection, during which the astral body exits the physical body--while remaining strongly connected to it--and during which one is able to look at his/her surroundings from the point of view of the astral self.

Astral perception is not only capable of seeing actual, physical surroundings and capable of retrieving images from memories of the past, it is also very fluid. That is why, when such visions occur, one's location can look different and, even if it is not, there are usually pieces of furniture or objects that are out of place.

I would not worry about this experience if I were you. The psyche often performs exercises in preparation for even bigger and more difficult exercises to come, such as actual, astral travel. As to why it chose to show you in a setting from the past, it is possible that, five years ago, something emotionally significant occurred in your life, and that you are being forewarned that you might go through the the same thing all over again.
"If I look hard enough into the settin' sun/
My love will laugh with me before the mornin' comes/"
There is only one thing that makes me feel old, and that is witnessing my grandchildren grow from toddlers to young adults.
Worry not that the fly buzzes round your head, for it will die on its own soon enough.
Must wait for this glaze to dry before I can proceed. In the meantime I restacked some canvases and frames, set two frames aside for my son Chito to reuse for his children's photos, and threw away an old, unwanted canvas. Retrieved a new, 4' x 3' canvas from storage for my next painting for Maryhill School of Theology, which I will commence immediately after I'm done with the current one.
Washed 25 brushes, then worked an hour on fifty-sixth glaze.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Lunch at home alone. Angelique in college and Aubrey at university.

Worked an hour on fifty-fifth glaze.
Happy Birthday to my eldest sister Lourdes!
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is the palace of the Phoenix King.
Worked an hour on fifty-fourth glaze.

Thankful that this painting is only 4' x 4'. I don't have to go up and down scaffolding.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.
Worked an hour on fifty-third glaze.

Aubrey and I are waiting for Angelique and J. to arrive with our take-home dinner.
Please be advised that, for the past two years, The Sun card in the major arcana has been the card to use in order to remain in contact with me.

A relatively busy afternoon for a retired person. Jalan-jalan at the center with Angelique, J., and Keiko. Paid our water bill and bought a waterproof floor mat for Keiko's kennel. Then Angelique and J. brought Keiko to the vet for a shot while I went to the Cubao Leaky Cauldron.

There were huge crowds, but, amazingly, I was only second in line both at the payment counter and at the cashier, and I even got my favorite table at the Leaky Cauldron.

Should be able to claim my planner this week and switch to Starbucks after to gather stickers for M.'s planner.

Had to stop a few minutes to admire a melon-orange sunset peeking through giant, dark-gray clouds.

Angelique went to a coffee shop for a study session. I bought two more gnome figurines and some holiday decor before going home.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The legend that rivers claim lives is no longer a legend; it is stark reality.

Though you forcefully advise people to avoid going into the water, it is the water that forcefully calls them to go into itself.
Worked an hour on fifty-second glaze in the studio area while Angelique, Aubrey, and J. were taking a late lunch in the dining room.

A brief drizzle in Cubao.
Lunch at home alone. The granddaughters are still asleep upstairs; Angelique came home after dawn from voluntary work for the bar exams.

Worked an hour on fifty-first glaze.

In the meantime J. arrived.
When the cosmos sneezes, it flushes out all the negative people from your life.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is an Oriental pavilion.
Cozy Saturday night. My painting calls, and I know the exact glazing sequence to follow next, but I'm ready to snuggle in bed and watch TV.
Looking forward to holding a knitting year after I finish my two major projects. That's the time I'll be happy to have other knitters come to the house for knitting sessions with high tea.
A Vigan empanada and a two-finger measure of coffee-flavored gin.
Aubrey and R. arrived from the family dentist's and dinner out.

Took my dinner, then worked on fiftieth glaze.

Still a long way to go, but calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Back from jalan-jalan with my younger son Chito.

Friday, November 16, 2018

As I go deeper and deeper into the hermit's mentality, I detest conversing with other people more and more.
Aubrey and R. off to the family dentist's.

Worked an hour on forty-ninth glaze.
Worked an hour on forty-eighth glaze. Finished up with the glaze while Aubrey and R. were having lunch in the dining room.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is an orange hibiscus.
And the most overused and overabused words and phrases of 2018 are:

--You nailed it
--You killed it
--You owned it
--Make a difference
--Hit rock bottom
--It doesn't work that way
--I see you
--Are you kidding me (replaced "Seriously?")?
--Shut the front door
--Make it pop
--Use baking soda
--My cardio
--What just happened?
--Did you get the memo?
--How (beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, etc.) is that?
--I mean... (Uttered while thinking of something sensible to say.)

And thank God that, finally, fewer and fewer people are hung up on "Absolutely".
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Dinner at home with Aubrey.

Worked an hour on forty-seventh glaze.

Then Angelique arrived from college and dinner out.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Worked an hour on forty-sixth glaze.
Worked an hour on forty-fifth glaze.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Worked an hour on forty-fourth glaze in the studio area while Aubrey was taking her lunch in the dining room.
Lunch at home alone. Angelique in college, Aubrey resting in her room upstairs.

Worked an hour on forty-third glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a golden, Igorot gong.
Angelique arrived from college. Bought her dinner at M.'s cafe.
Dinner at home alone.

Worked an hour on forty-second glaze.

Aubrey and R. arrived from university and dinner out.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Worked an hour on forty-first glaze.
Worked an hour on fortieth glaze.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Worked an hour on thirty-ninth glaze.
Worked an hour on thirty-eighth glaze.
Home alone. Angelique in college and Aubrey at university.
Wearing Jovan Musk for Men by Coty of UK.
Happy that Maryhill School of Theology approved the thumbnail of my current painting this morning. That'll be three down, 37 to go.

Just realized that, since the studio area is a mess, I will be unable to receive visitors or entertain at home until this project is done.
There is such a thing as forever, because there are two kinds of time: temporal time and eternal time.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is an avenue for joyful parades.
In the Philippines, people reply "No problem" when they really mean "No trouble at all".

The idiomatic expression "No problem" is correctly used to indicate that someone performed something with ease.
Dinner at home with Aubrey and R.

Worked an hour on thirty-seventh glaze.

Then Angelique and J. arrived from a basketball game and had dinner at home.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow. In the meantime, submitted a thumbnail of the painting's present state to Maryhill School of Theology for approval.
When pregnant women give birth in devils' traffic, it is as though to give life in protest against the deaths dealt by the devils.
Illness, pain, and death are not the ultimate forms of karma because everyone experiences them whatever the lives they lead.

One of the worst forms of karma is seeing with your very eyes that the person you used to laugh at in school has become the success you always dreamt of for yourself but did not and never will become.
Worked an hour on thirty-sixth glaze, then Aubrey and R. arrived from university.

During my last visit to Cheloy Dans, the artist who taught me oil painting when I was in sixth grade, she told me many stories about her life as a mother. When her children were grown, some of them told her, quire resentfully, that she was not there for them. She was caught by surprise at this accusation. I know that, being an artist, she was often immersed in her work unmindful of the other people around her.

I learned much from Cheloy's anecdote. That is why, even when I am in the midst of writing or painting, I drop everytyhing when my children and grandchildren are at home and need something, even if all they want me to do is talk to them or listen to them. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Worked an hour on thirty-fifth glaze.
Lunch at home alone.

Worked an hour on thirty-fourth glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is an archangel's blazing sword.
"No colors anymore/
I want it to turn black/"
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Dinner at home alone.

Worked an hour on thirty-third glaze.

Aubrey and R. arrived from university and dinner out, then Angelique arrived from college and dinner out.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Our November gnomes

Yes, they are all inhabited. The two large ones are actually lanterns. I bought them because they remind me so much of The Faeries' Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth.

Angelique needs only nine more.

Worked an hour on thirty-second glaze.

The Order Of The Day

Monday, November 12, 2018

The alkaline water service man drove up again without my calling them. 
Worked an hour on thirty-first glaze.
It is futile to counsel bipolars, especially religious bipolars. Their healing and salvation must come from within them, not from without, and always as a result of insight, wisdom, compassion for self and for others, and intelligent, deductive thinking, all of which come about not from consulting a psychotherapist but from long periods of work experience, social interaction, and reflection.
A heavy breakfast.

Saw Angelique off to college, and Aubrey and R. off to university.

Worked an hour on thirtieth glaze.
Never give a second piece of advice to someone who does not follow your advice the first time around.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is wrapped in yellow cellophane.
Worked an hour on twenty-ninth glaze.

Aubrey and R. arrived from university and dinner out, then Angelique arrived from college.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Worked an hour on twenty-eighth glaze.
Your Messenger message:

"Hi, Tony 🙂 Good morning! We’ve met a couple of times before so I want to reconnect 😉 Incidentally, my friends and I are in a situation and I want to ask for help. We’re in ________ and weird stuff happened in the condo unit we were renting: coins dropped out of nowhere, a slipper flew, my bed got wet. Afraid, we moved to another place but same stuff happened. Now we’re afraid it’ll follow us even if we move to another place or even to the Philippines

"I am with four of my officemates: 3 girls and one gay guy, who is pretty loud.

"We stayed at ___ ___ building for 2 nights; first night was uneventful but on the second night coins were thrown, the bed was wet, a slipper flew.

"We then decided to move to ______ Hotel. First night was uneventful but on the second night a bottle of water was thrown on my bed, wetting it; the plantsa fell; a cellphone flew and hit my officemate’s face. We decided to move again and are now at another place but are afraid it will continue tonight or tomorrow night."

My reply:

Hello _____!

Since this incident has been following you wherever you go, it clearly has nothing to do with the places or the history of the places you are staying in.

Poltergeism typically occurs when a person, family member, or member of a group--usually but not always adolescent--has excessively repressed anger or sexual energy. It is most probably being unconsciously generated by the person in your group who is the most secretive and reserved.

Try splitting up into separate subgroups and see where these incidents continue to occur.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Your Messenger message:

"Hi, Sir Tony. I felt I had a beautiful dream last night. In my dream, I had wings as big and wide as the dimension of the road on each side of my arms. Very strong and so white. People hang onto it while I fly them from one floor to another floor of the building. Then I., J. and vaguely I think it was S. told me that it was Mama Mary who gave me those wings and that I was lucky. That was much of what I can remember. I wonder what it meant. Please advice. Maraming Salamat po."

My reply:

Hello _____________!

Having wings in one's dream is an indication that one has finally achieved the abiity to experience lucid dreaming. In your dream, I., J., and S. are reminding you that, because of your efforts to advance your spirituality, you have transcended all personal tragedies in your life--while they themselves have not.

The Blessed Virgin in your dream is not literally the Blessed Virgin, it is the archetype of Woman and Mother that you completely embraced in order to be whole again.
Worked an hour on twenty-seventh glaze.
Value blunt persons so long as their bluntness contains truth. They metaphorically shake you by the shoulders rather than beat around the bush. As a result, change comes swiftly--if not for yourself and your hurt pride, for the good of everyone else.

Yet, as for your personal life, be kind to everyone, for it is all too easy to shatter the ego both of your fellow human beings and of animals.
Lunch alone. Angelique in college and Aubrey at university.

Then worked an hour on twenty-sixth glaze.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a cobalt-blue chalkboard.
Dinner alone, then worked an hour on twenty-fifth glaze.

Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.
Worked an hour on twenty-fourth glaze.

Then Aubrey arrived from dinner out with R.'s family. She now has her new reading glasses.

I love walking through the flower shops of Cubao and Farmers Garden after sunset, but I am always disturbed by the scent of fresh sap from the cut stems. They are the pungent smell of the flowers' blood, the smell I always associate with funeral wakes. It goes away only when the flowers are immersed in water.

If evil aliens cut human heads and limbs and arranged them for sale, the scent would be that of human blood. Trust a werewolf, for he always has a keen olfactory sense.
Went jalan-jalan to do some shopping.

Worked an hour on twenty-third glaze.

Angelique and J. went to the center to watch a basketball game and have a study session in a coffee shop after.

Aubrey and R. went to a nearby mall to purchase new reading glasses for Aubrey and also stop by a coffee shop. 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Remember that your enjoyment of a date begins not during the date itself but from the moment you dress up for it inside your bedroom.
Happy Birthday to my second granddaughter, Nielsen Tegelan!
Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

Worked an hour on twenty-second glaze.
Two-hour, morning nap.
Worked an hour on twenty-first glaze.
So thankful for the existence of the Sitio Catacutan hawkers' stands. There are breakfast stands (open as early as 5:00 AM), lunch stands, dinner stands, snack stands, and dessert stands. My heavy breakfast is usually comprised of fried rice, native sausage or sweet baloney, and diced-onion omelette or a fried egg sunny-side-up. Sometimes I take home a shrimp cake as well.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is crowned with faceted topaz.
It is the staff members of government supervisors, not the supervisors' doctors, who know whether their supervisors are bipolar, and so they are the best sources of information to determine whether those supervisors should be reappointed or not.
Brandy night. This one's as sweet as tequila, but I'm still very partial to Black Label.
M. planned to not open the cafe and rest tonight, but a big group of customers, employees of a popular restaurant who come once a week to drink and take sisig, descended on him and forced him to open. They are still carousing there.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.

Going to bed later with The Haunted Hotel.
Dinner alone at home. Angelique doing volunteer work for the bar exams. Aubrey and R. still working on their school requirements. They ordered via FDS and had their dinner upstairs.

Worked an hour on twentieth glaze.
All I have to do is see the looks on my neighbor's servants' faces, to know that all is not well with my neighbor.
Sometimes, when you cheer for someone, it is not because you like him but because you dislike his opponent.
Worked an hour on nineteenth glaze.
Languid Saturday, but I'm very happy that my painting is progressing well. I haven't come upon any hitches or painting problems so far.

The only unusual treat I had this morning was that my Maranao antique dealer came and brought me a necklace I'd ordered--and gave me a free malong and two, Maranao cotton-fabric bags.
Worked an hour on eighteenth glaze.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Every person is always in the context of his past, his present, his family, his occupation, and his dreams, and if you know none of that about a person, you really don't know that person at all.
All of the coffee shop planners for sale are for juveniles, except for those produced by Seattle's Best Coffee. Ironically, the older people get, the more they need planners, to conveniently remind them of holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions.
Actually we all have enough love to last us a lifetime, and it is ridiculous to search for it when it has always been there or to believe that we need even more of it.

More On Budol-Budol

Many years ago, when I was walking in downtown Cebu City late at night, I was approached by two, young ladies who said they were promoting something and had a free gift for me. They brought me to what looked like a small office nearby, and had me sit on a couch in the back area. One more young lady and a young man were there; they surrounded me.

The ladies brought out plastic face massagers and said that that was what they were promoting. They suggested that they try one on me but I declined, saying that I would just take it home with me. They then started fondling my legs and arms while conversing with me about myself and my family (all of the information I gave them was fictional). I then asked them if such behavior was usual for them. They said, yes. I then rose and approached the young man and started fondling him.

Everyone was shocked, especially the young man, who was not expecting this reaction from a prospective victim. The ladies stopped hitting on me immediately. The spell was broken. Except for me, they all were speechless. I cheerfully thanked them and left the "office" with a free face massager, and noticed the sulky expression on the face of the man at the reception table.
Worked an hour on seventeenth glaze.
Lunch at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and R.

Angelique and J. are leaving in a few to watch another basketball game.
Wherever there is something good, there is sure to be a lot more of it.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is an enchanted bake shop.
A party is ongoing at Samson College of Science and Technology, which is right over the fence of our compound. I love the sounds that I hear from the windows of my captain's cabin bedroom.

When I was a little boy, I'd hear the same sounds from parties being held in our neighbors' houses. I'd feel cozy and sleep well the whole night through.
One retires in order to finally do things for himself.
Calling it a day for painting. Will resume tomorrow.

Back to rereading more chapters from The Haunted Hotel tonight.
When a budol-budol attempts to hypnotize you, SUDDENLY RAISE YOUR VOICE. It breaks the spell and causes brain pain to him/her.
Back home. Bought Magnum ices for everybody at the neighborhood grocery.
Dinner at home with Aubrey, who ate upstairs in her bedroom because she's completing certain requirements for her classes.

Worked an hour on sixteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on fifteenth glaze.
Worked an hour on fourteenth glaze in the studio area while Aubrey took a very late lunch in the dining room.
One-hour, afternoon nap.