Continued from Tony Perez's Electronic Diary (May 15 - October 19, 2018) at

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet

At Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet
2013, at Highest Point, Kiangan, Benguet, during the conservation project for the Kabayan Mummy Caves. Funded by the Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and the National Museum of the Philippines. Photo by JR Dalisay

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Your e-mail message:

"Good day sir Tony!
"I hope this message reaches you well po . 

"I just had a dream po na I was in a flight but before the flight left my mother left the plane . The flight was starting when i boarded and i was forced to seat at the front besides the pilot,but then i forgot what it is about but people were grumbling about something and then the flight started. When the plane went up for a few feet it hit an arch(that looks like an arch near my workplace).  The  plane bounced strongly for a few times and my thought is I want to share it and I should have brought a videocamera with me. It finally stopped near a pizza restaurant's backyard. 

"Biglang nag ring then yung telephone sa phone and its my workmate calling about a client . I then answered the call and made funny faces that made the people on the plane laugh. I was unable to help the client ( I work as a callcenter agent in cubao and maybe it is somehow related). Then the plane somehow started falling apart and we had to escape . In my cabin were books and i somehow saved a book about magic then I escaped.When I was escaping the plane somehow was filled with cats and I cannot just jump upon an open window. I had to go through a flooded part of the plane while I saw a woman choosing to die with her cat becauase it drowned. I saw a giant black turkey statue floating towards me then I woke up. it is a very colorful dream and the best one that I had in months and I hope that you can analyze the dream sir. Thank yoou.


My reply:

Hello ______!

The airplane is your current career and the direction it is taking. Your psyche is the pilot, your ego--the dream self in this dream--the co-pilot.

Based on this dream, it seems that you enjoy the company of your co-worers but that your job itself gives you little satisfaction. It is even possible that your mother disapproves of your job. Either that or she is unable to be proud of you. As reflected in your dream, your career is fraught with things that go wrong: the plane bounces, hits an arch, is filled with cats (they are symbols of hostile srangers and could very well be your clients), and is eventually flooded. The woman who drowns with her cat is an image that cautions you to avoid establishing relationships with your clients other than a businesslike one. Finally, the black turkey signifies either that you are being made a fool of or that you too often sacrifice yourself so that others may have a good time.

Reassess your talents and abilities. There may be a better job out tbere that can showcase your true potentials.

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